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We had the good fortune of connecting with Brianna Gaynor and we’ve shared our conversation below. Read more>>
Hi Brianna, what role has risk played in your life or career?
I am someone who tends to be cautious, I am a thinker. I am an overthinker, a skill which serves me because I think of the big picture, plan for ways to improve processes and consider how others are affected and what their needs are. It can also be to my detriment, as it tends to make it difficult to “shut down” my brain and disconnect. Because risk-taking is not my natural tendency, it has been life’s most gratifying and terrifying aspect. Risks have led to many of my best choices. I chose to leave a job I was comfortable and secure in to begin a business with no guarantee it would work out. While I was sometimes uncertain, it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was and still trust that I am operating in God’s plan for my life. Now when I consider where I am, I wonder what and who I would have missed out on if I had never made that decision. I can employ people and create an environment that is fun and peaceful. I get to serve people others don’t and to connect with clients in a way I never would have been able to if I had not created my own space. In life, those choices, challenges, and relationships we experience can often lead to the best growth opportunities and lifelong connections. So, please know that sometimes fear indicates that we are going in the right direction! Follow your instincts and be willing to take risks because the lessons alone are worth it.
Website: DrBriannaGayor.com and peaceofmindpsychology.com
Instagram: @DrGaynorSpeaks and @peaceofmindpsychology
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Facebook: peaceofmindpsychology