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The Science of Happiness: Tips for Boosting Your Mood

Happiness is a universal desire, yet many people struggle to find it. Fortunately, science can offer us some insights into how we can boost our mood and experience a greater sense of happiness in our lives. In this post, we’ll explore some of the latest research on the science of happiness and share tips for how you can incorporate these findings into your daily routine.
One of happiness’s most important things to understand is that it’s not just about external circumstances. While things like money, health, and relationships can certainly impact our happiness, they’re not the only factors at play. In fact, research has shown that our internal mindset has a much greater impact on our happiness than external circumstances do. 

Dr. Brianna Gaynor Says: Be Intentional

Everyone likes to hear kind words. When I leave the house each day, I take a few minutes to make a personal commitment to spread kindness wherever I go. The grocery clerk, the librarian, the other drivers on the road: everyone deserves the best I have to offer.

That’s true in your life too; so, for today, I ask you to recite this mantra and step out into the world to live it: That’s true in your life too; so, for today, I ask you to recite this mantra and step out into the world to live it.

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New research suggests that we can boost our happiness levels through effortful activity and conscious habits. Knowing about the biases of our brain that prevent us from being happy can help us overcome them. Things beyond our control, like our genetics and circumstances, play less of a role on our overall happiness levels than we realize.” (The New Science of Happiness | Psychology Today  
So, how can we shift our internal mindset to experience greater happiness? One powerful tool is gratitude. Studies have shown that practicing gratitude regularly can lead to greater happiness, improved relationships, and even better physical health. To incorporate gratitude into your life, try keeping a gratitude journal where you write down three things you’re thankful for each day. You can also habitually express gratitude to others through words or small acts of kindness.
Another way to boost your mood is through positive social connections. Research has shown that spending time with friends and loved ones can lead to greater happiness. This is because social connections help to reduce stress and provide a sense of support and belonging. To strengthen your social connections, try scheduling a regular time to spend with friends or family or join a club or group that interests you.
"I believe that one of the most important things we can provide to others is compassion, letting you know someone cares. "
Finally, physical activity has been shown to be a powerful mood booster. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural chemicals that promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Even just a 30-minute walk each day can make a big difference in your mood and overall health.
Professor Lauri Santos, who teaches The Science of Well-Being as an online Yale course, said that happiness is often misconceived as built-in and cannot be changed. In the course, she instructs students to increase their happiness by building productive habits.” (What Is The Science Of Happiness?
While happiness may seem elusive at times, there are concrete steps we can take to boost our mood and experience greater happiness. By incorporating gratitude, positive social connections, and physical activity into our daily routine, we can shift our internal mindset and experience greater well-being.